What is a good drag setting on a spinning reel for saltwater fishing?
What is a good drag setting on a spinning reel for saltwater fishing?
A good drag setting on a spinning reel for saltwater fishing typically ranges between 25% to 33% of the breaking strength of the line you're using.
If you're fishing with a 20-pound test line, the drag should ideally be set to apply between 5 to 6.6 pounds of resistance before it starts giving out the line.
This setting helps prevent the line from breaking under the strain of a fighting fish while still allowing you to maintain control.
Here's how to adjust your drag properly:
1. Use a Scale: A handheld scale is the most accurate way to set your drag. Attach the scale to your line, pull on the scale, and adjust the drag knob until the desired tension is reached.
2. By Feel: You can adjust the drag by feel if you don't have a scale. Pull the line directly from the reel (with the rod in a neutral position) and adjust until it gives under moderate pressure but still offers resistance.
Remember, the conditions and size of your target fish can also influence the ideal drag setting.
For high-quality spinning reels suitable for saltwater fishing and further expert advice on setting them up, check out the selection at FinnedFishen (https://www.finnedfishen.com.au/).